Testimonials and Reviews for Decipher Tools

Do you need to save iPhone text messages or voicemails to your computer? Do you need to fix a broken iTunes or Finder backup? Here is what some of our amazing customers are saying about Decipher Tools.

Our customers and their feedback help us deliver better software. We actually listen and respond. What a concept.

If you have questions or need help, please contact us directly using this link so that we can provide customized support to you quickly and directly.

Viewing reviews 1801 to 1900 of 1946

Brady Melin Facebook profile image

Brady Melin

December 26, 2014 3:40 PM - Reviewing Decipher Backup Repair

Well after spending the last 12 hours of Christmas trying everything under the sun to retrieve and uncorrupt my iPhone backup, I finally have a fully operational iPhone again thanks to Kelly and the folks down at Decipher Tools! Definitely worth the $29.99 for the program!

Sine Strandby Facebook profile image

Sine Strandby

December 20, 2014 3:26 AM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

This is an amazing tool and I love it! Is it safe for me to remove my messages from my phone and clear out space? I would love to keep my old text messages, but am afraid that the history will be overwritten with my next scan?

John Portwin Facebook profile image

John Portwin

December 17, 2014 6:07 AM - Reviewing Decipher Backup Repair

Decipher Backup Repair worked great for me, recommended!

Markus Volk Facebook profile image

Markus Volk

December 13, 2014 8:42 PM - Reviewing Decipher Backup Repair

Boah ey, ich hätt ausrasten können! Nach dem letzten iOS Update hat sich das vorher erstellte Backup nicht wiederherstellen lassen, alle Daten waren also weg! FUCK!

Über eine ausgiebige Google Suche habe ich dann Decipher Backup Repair gefunden. Zuerst war ich sehr skeptisch, habe mich dann aber dazu entschlossen, die Lizenz zu kaufen (umgerechnet knapp 25 Euro). Und ich muss sagen, ICH BIN BEGEISTERT!!! Alle Daten, alle Einstellungen, einfach alles ist wieder da!

Normalerweise schreibe ich keine Rezensionen oder so etwas, aber diese Software hat mich einfach megamäßig überzeugt und hat es verdient, positiv bewertet zu werden! Die Lizenz ist auf jeden Fall jeden Cent wert!

Andy Guffroy Facebook profile image

Andy Guffroy

December 12, 2014 7:49 AM - Reviewing Decipher Backup Repair

My Iphone backup was corrupted, Paid 29.99$ to repair it with decipher backup Repair. Worth it? Hell yes! Especially when your phone is a part of your job. Thanks Decipher Media, F*** you apple :)

Ixzy Twėntyfour Facebook profile image

Ixzy Twėntyfour

December 4, 2014 11:35 PM - Reviewing Decipher Backup Repair

:: Decipher backup repair tool worked really well for me. Thank you.

Sara McCormick Facebook profile image

Sara McCormick

December 3, 2014 4:36 PM - Reviewing Decipher Backup Repair

Decipher Tools support is amazing! I had a team member help me through a difficult restore, absolutely blown away with the customer service. I highly recommend this software!!

Kelly Jenkins Facebook profile image

Kelly Jenkins

December 1, 2014 4:34 PM - Reviewing Decipher Backup Repair

WOW WOW WOW!!!!!!!! Just had a nightmare trying to restore my iPhone from back-up and eventually decided to buy Decipher - best software buy ever!! It took just a few minutes to clean-up my previous back-up, restore and job done!

Joe Puccio Facebook profile image

Joe Puccio

November 27, 2014 11:33 PM - Reviewing Decipher Backup Repair

Decipher Backup Repair worked perfectly. Thanks so much to the developer(s)!

Steve Pratt Facebook profile image

Steve Pratt

November 15, 2014 4:24 PM - Reviewing Decipher Backup Repair

Just wanted to share my experience. Trying to upgrade from iphone 4s to iphone 6. After about 6 hours of failing because of "corrupt or incompatible" backup, I came across the decipher tools page. Tried the trial check, found an error, and purchased a licence. Voila, restore to new phone took less than 5 minutes. Really pleased with the product, and now I'll be checking each backup as I make it to check it's ok. Easy to use, and a fair price - what could be better.

Richard Holden Facebook profile image

Richard Holden

November 12, 2014 11:02 PM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

Decipher TextMessage works great! Very transparent and easy to use. It updates the file with all the text messages. I have some text correspondence that i need to keep and this gives me the full record. Seems to work even better with Yosemite. Well worth it!

Adam Ziarko Facebook profile image

Adam Ziarko

November 12, 2014 4:37 PM - Reviewing Decipher Backup Repair

It worked ! I didn't believe that it will work.... THANK YOU !!!!!

Renzo Ramirez Facebook profile image

Renzo Ramirez

November 7, 2014 9:21 PM - Reviewing Decipher Backup Repair

I just want to say I lovely this company! It was easy and cheap! I thought i had lost data from my phone for the last 6 years. They were able to fix my iphone backup and get EVERYTHING back for only 29.99!!!!!!! Best investment recently!!!!

Berkley Dietrich Facebook profile image

Berkley Dietrich

November 4, 2014 7:11 AM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

I've had Decipher Tools Text message for a long time. While it's not the type of program you need everyday its a saviour when you do need it. Recently I discovered that their support system is also first rate!! Highly recommend this program to anyone who needs to extract and keep copies of messages.

Lucky Goldberg Facebook profile image

Lucky Goldberg

November 2, 2014 11:18 PM - Reviewing Decipher Backup Repair

Made endless backups of my iPhone 5 to then restore to iPhone 6 Plus. Various errors, especially corrupted backup and incompatible files. iPhone 5 works fine, and once when I was able to restore the backup to the 6+, the folders from 1000 apps were not there so back to new backups and restores - which crashed every time. Spent 29.95 and did one click follow the leader instructions with Decipher Tools - first time restoration and the iPhone 6+ jumped into almost looking like it was going to restore factory default, but then to my happy surprise and grateful thanks to your company, I did the basic question/answer setup and opened the lock screen - ALL MY APPS ARE IN ALL THEIR PAGES AND PAGES OF FOLDERS!!! SUCCESS!!! Always had this issue with iPhone 4 and earlier - wish I knew about DT back then - but thrilled now that you have solved this issue with your amazing product!!!! Thank you!!!! :))) Lucky

Supersaian Wu Facebook profile image

Supersaian Wu

November 1, 2014 5:05 PM - Reviewing Decipher Backup Repair

When I first see that sentence, I thought the world is dead. Don't be afraid, believe Decipher. It saved my iPhone data.

Jason Scroggin Facebook profile image

Jason Scroggin

October 31, 2014 9:39 AM - Reviewing Decipher Backup Repair

Decipher Backup Repair worked perfectly. It found the issue with a corrupt iPhone backup and fixed it with the push of a button. Previously: I had worked with Apple support who kindly listened to my issues but could not and would not fix my iPhone backups, suggesting that they had exhausted all possible solutions. The issue: after a necessary iPhone restore, it turned out all my backups (including those on Time Machine?) were corrupt. I was about to lose a lot of data...but DBR saved the day. The decipher team was also very helpful and responded to my inquiries fast. The phone now works as if nothing happened. Highly recommended.

Alan Sean Facebook profile image

Alan Sean

October 25, 2014 8:19 PM - Reviewing Decipher Backup Repair

The Decipher Backup Repair tool worked perfectly. Thank you so much for saving me the time and hassle of trying the other workaround (backing up to iCloud). Easy to follow steps, clear instructions, seamless functionality.

Chad Mueller Facebook profile image

Chad Mueller

October 21, 2014 7:44 PM - Reviewing Decipher Backup Repair

Honestly didn't think it was going to work because nothing else seemed to... Turns out this worked perfectly!

Jenna Fox-Connick Facebook profile image

Jenna Fox-Connick

October 21, 2014 6:22 PM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

I have had this product along with the voicemail one and I absolutely love it. The staff is amazing and quick to help with any questions you might have. Bravo to this 3 person team and your amazing products!

Babette Newman Facebook profile image

Babette Newman

October 18, 2014 6:07 PM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

Not only is Decipher TextMessage a super helpful, easy to use app, the customer service is awesome! I recently had an issue with my license code after upgrading my computer to iOS X and less than an hour after e-mailing Decipher's support team (on a weekend no less) I had a quick, simple solution. Thanks so much for all that you do!

Adhithya Facebook profile image


October 18, 2014 2:13 AM - Reviewing Decipher Backup Repair

Keep Calm, Download, Buy, Restore, Walk as if nothing happened!!

Haresh Daswaney Facebook profile image

Haresh Daswaney

October 15, 2014 2:09 AM - Reviewing Decipher Backup Repair

Thank you and your entire team for Decipher Backup Repair! After updating to iOS 8, I couldn't restore from backup because somehow the file got corrupted. Your wonderfully simple to use app scrubbed the backup file clean and I reinstalled to my iPhone 5 without any issues. I got back all my kids' photos, messages, even voice memos and whatsapp chat history. It's the only app I found that actually 'fixes' the problem! Thanks Kelly for your excellent follow up and customer care! Apple, take note!

Zachary Stancell Facebook profile image

Zachary Stancell

October 14, 2014 8:51 PM - Reviewing Decipher Backup Repair

Thank you! Software rescued my ailing iphone after a tumultuous upgrade to ios 8.0.2. I'm still going to get a new one, but at least this one will work until the new one is in my possession!

Nguyen Quoc Anh Facebook profile image

Nguyen Quoc Anh

October 14, 2014 12:44 AM - Reviewing Decipher Backup Repair

This app is truly awesome, thought I lost all my data from the one and only backup file (corrupted of course) I had but you guys saved the day!

Loydene Keith Facebook profile image

Loydene Keith

October 12, 2014 9:16 PM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

So helpful to be able to capture important text messages and not have to rely on memory. Very easy to use.

Michael Green Facebook profile image

Michael Green

October 11, 2014 7:24 PM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

Excellent software and even better customer support. If you ever get stuck using the software, they will guide you through. Highly recommended!!!

Jamie Derksen Facebook profile image

Jamie Derksen

October 9, 2014 10:07 AM - Reviewing Decipher Backup Repair

Omg this program is a lifesaver! It's the only proof I have of douchebaggery for court otherwise I'd look like a lying fool. Seriously a true lifesaver!! Downloads quick and easy and the directions are just as simple:) Thanks guys keep up the good work I can't wait to see what you come up with next!! AAA+++++

Sarah Winstead Facebook profile image

Sarah Winstead

October 8, 2014 3:04 PM - Reviewing Decipher Backup Repair

I am so grateful for Decipher Tools for restoring all my phone data that Apple said was un-recoverable. Amazing customer support! Kelly promptly replied to my emails when the standard back-up repair tool didn't work for me right away, and had my phone up and working in a couple of tries. I couldn't recommend this company and their products enough! Thanks again.

Matthew Roberts Facebook profile image

Matthew Roberts

October 6, 2014 1:58 PM - Reviewing Decipher Backup Repair

Fantastic product and support. I had trouble with an encrypted iPhone backup (on a Sunday no less), but Kelly responded the same day and got to work right away to help me out. I rarely write testimonials, but it is warranted in this case. I have no qualms with strongly recommending Decipher Tools products!

Ka Sia Facebook profile image

Ka Sia

October 5, 2014 9:44 AM - Reviewing Decipher Backup Repair

great job, i thought i had lost all my data

Louise Parfoot Facebook profile image

Louise Parfoot

October 2, 2014 7:52 PM - Reviewing Decipher Backup Repair

Bless you! I thought all was lost till I found you guys!!! 10/10 Worth the money!

Brandy Love Facebook profile image

Brandy Love

October 1, 2014 2:22 PM - Reviewing Decipher Backup Repair

Easy to download, worked right away. Every step was explained and easy to use. Thanks guys

Kauai Homes & Land, Susan Higgins RS Facebook profile image

Kauai Homes & Land, Susan Higgins RS

September 30, 2014 5:36 PM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

As a Realtor, I have many clients who communicate through text. Thank goodness for Decipher. I was able to back up all of my texts. When I got stuck, tech support was responsive, helpful and polite. What a breath of fresh air. Now I can activate my new iPhone 6!
Thanks Decipher! You rock!

Fred Falting Facebook profile image

Fred Falting

September 28, 2014 11:59 AM - Reviewing Decipher Backup Repair

Finally a software worth it's weight in gold, your app saved me at least 4 hours tomorrow dealing with Apple while paying them $19.95. Half of that time will be wasted talking to some moron who won't understand my issue THEN be transferred to someone else which I will have to repeat myself. Grrrrrrr

Your app fixed my corrupted Iphone backup with over 10 voicemails, 200+ text messages and 40 photos that would've all been lost.

BRAVO to whomever made this app !!!!


Dan Belluscio Facebook profile image

Dan Belluscio

September 25, 2014 8:49 AM - Reviewing Decipher Backup Repair

I updated to IOS 8 and my phone crashed in the middle of the update.
Everyone one of my backups came back as corrupt, even the one I did before the upgrade.

Tried many different things and hours of work before I found Decipher Backup Repair. The problem was fixed in minutes. I wish I had found them sooner.

Thank you very much Decipher team!

Kandice Suzanne Stallcop Facebook profile image

Kandice Suzanne Stallcop

September 22, 2014 11:18 AM - Reviewing Decipher VoiceMail
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

easy to download. easy to use.

I sat on the phone for hours yesterday trying to recover a voicemail from my dad who recently passed. It didn't show up after I switched from my iphone 4S to the iphone 6. I cried a lot about the lost voicemail and then i got a tweet from @deciphertools I downloaded the free trial and retrieved the voicemail in MINUTES!!! I am so thankful, I honestly don't know how to express my thankfulness.

A+ Decipher Voicemail!

Ashton Bailey Facebook profile image

Ashton Bailey

September 20, 2014 10:13 PM - Reviewing Decipher Backup Repair

This program is pure magic! Worth every penny! I had 5 backups all saying corrupt in itunes while trying to set up my new iphone 6 from a backup of my old 5S, 2 backups I made yesterday both useless, spent 2 days trying different 3rd party apps all with limited success at best, this slice of heaven scanned, repaired, and fixed all my problems in under an hour. Thank you for saving all my photos, contacts, sms, etc.... total life saver, screw you itunes, thank you decipher tools!!!

Chris Tackett Facebook profile image

Chris Tackett

September 20, 2014 10:06 AM - Reviewing Decipher Backup Repair

Had two different backups, both showing corrupted as we went to upgrade to iPhone 6's. Decipher Backup Repair got my wife's info all restored and made her very happy. Thanks!

Marco Zanconato Facebook profile image

Marco Zanconato

September 19, 2014 12:14 PM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage


Hugo Cervantes Facebook profile image

Hugo Cervantes

September 18, 2014 9:10 PM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

Decipher TextMessage is a powerful and yet very easy to use App. Anybody using an Apple device for messaging should get a copy! Quick and reliable way to retrieve/save full conversations. Oh! and they provide great and very personal support. I highly recommend the company and their products.

H. Cervantes

Ethan Walker Facebook profile image

Ethan Walker

September 18, 2014 1:06 PM - Reviewing Decipher Backup Repair

Amazing support (one-on-one and very quick to respond) for a great product. My situation was unique and after some custom code I retrieved everything from my backup (and more)!

Highly recommended.

David Tong Facebook profile image

David Tong

September 15, 2014 2:38 PM - Reviewing Decipher VoiceMail

Software was extremely easy to use and download; once you activate your desired devices you instantly see all of your voicemails accessible on your computer via a custom interface as well as populated into a seperate file folder for additional control/access! Highly recommend to anyone who has important memories they are looking to save. (Additional note: When I had some questions, the team at Decipher replied extremely quickly back to me - outstanding customer service!)

Jack Mussry Facebook profile image

Jack Mussry

September 11, 2014 10:25 AM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

All around great and useful app. No manual necessary. :)

Steve Lawford Facebook profile image

Steve Lawford

September 10, 2014 1:29 AM - Reviewing Decipher Backup Repair

Support for this product is exceptional. While at first Decipher Backup Repair was unable to fix my corrupted encrypted backup, support from Kelly was superb. Over a few emails Kelly was able to review the logs, isolate the problem, and provide me with a preview build and detailed instructions that resolved the issue. Can't recommend this product enough. Thanks again!

Leah Pearson Facebook profile image

Leah Pearson

September 7, 2014 7:25 PM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

Highly recommend this program, easy to use and reliable. The support team is amazing, quick to respond, friendly and extremely helpful with any questions or issues you may have. More than worth what you pay for it.

David Hogben Facebook profile image

David Hogben

September 5, 2014 2:52 PM - Reviewing Decipher Backup Repair

Similar to many others, I had an iPhone5 eligible for a battery replacement and followed their instructions to wipe my phone but lo and behold the backup would not restore (funny but even the person at the Apple store was shocked that they - Apple - would've suggested to wipe the phone).
Decipher's Backup program was a savior in getting the issue corrected even with problems with encryption challenges. Their support was fantastic staying in touch with me over the weekend until I was in good shape. I wish all companies took their product and customer service as seriously as Kelly and the folks at Decipher Tools. Thank you very much!

Mick Mills Facebook profile image

Mick Mills

August 30, 2014 11:03 AM - Reviewing Decipher Backup Repair

My IPhone 5 would not restore due to a corrupt file when trying to reload it onto the phone. I spent 1:31 Mins on the phone to Apple who tried to fix the problem but couldn't (Despite a very good effort to be fair and they did call me so the call cost was there's not mine) My last ditch attempt was to try the Decipher backup repair tool which I have to admit I am always weary of downloading stuff I know nothing about but hey it was my last option. Downloaded the program, the program checked my file and showed me the errors, then it fixed the errors and said it should now be ok. I paid the $29,99 via Paypal and entered the voucher code. Went into ITunes and restored from the decipher back up. And OMG it only worked !!!!!!!!!! I have been smiling from ear to ear all day as all my files and contacts and work stuff is now back on the phone. Totally Amazing, if you have the same error message then give it a try. So pleased and thank you very much Decipher Tools team. Mick Mills. UK

Michael Wilson Facebook profile image

Michael Wilson

August 30, 2014 5:35 AM - Reviewing Decipher Backup Repair

Wow, had apple change the battery under the new program git home and tried to restore and nothing but a nasty error message saying the back up was corrupt or incompatible with an iphone backed up twice the previous day. This program works. Sensational. I was quite sceptical about paying $29 for the program but after 5 hours of frustration - SUCCESS - fantastic.

Eric Thirolle Facebook profile image

Eric Thirolle

August 27, 2014 12:01 PM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

Product has worked perfectly to export text message conversations from my iPhone 4S and 5c. Latest export: 108,000 messages, and it handled it without issue. Also: customer service was fantastic, responding to and fixing a strange licensing issue within a couple hours.

Richard Shontz Jr. Facebook profile image

Richard Shontz Jr.

August 27, 2014 9:28 AM - Reviewing Decipher Backup Repair

Best $29 I ever spent what a joke that Apple cant get it together and I was forced to buy this program but I am very thankful because it works as shown

David Cooper Facebook profile image

David Cooper

August 25, 2014 3:22 PM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

Decipher TextMessage is a great tool to archive and save your text messages. It is a very easy-to-use interface and provides a layout that is streamlined and simple, but very effective. The folks at Decipher were quick to get back to me when I had a question concerning my product’s registration code. Jay replied to my email and fixed the issue without hesitation. I would recommend this product to anyone who desires to store/save text messages. I look forward to using other Decipher Tools products. Thanks!

Jim Tracy Facebook profile image

Jim Tracy

August 22, 2014 11:56 AM - Reviewing Decipher Backup Repair

This program works perfectly.
I had a IPod backup get corrupted, and Decipher found the problems and fixed them.
Thanks to Decipher I was able to recover nearly 4 years worth of personal data that would've been lost

Caroline W. Millar Facebook profile image

Caroline W. Millar

August 20, 2014 12:59 AM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

Easy to use, great layout and fantastic after sales. I have been using decipher tool for 18 months & encountered a problem. The team got straight back to me & sent a free upgrade. Don't hesitate, buy it!

Tricia Foster Facebook profile image

Tricia Foster

August 19, 2014 8:05 AM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

Decipher simply ROCKS! Recently we needed to document text messages to be used in a court hearing. It is a fabulous software application for exporting and saving texts. The customer service team is unbelievably responsive and genuinely the nicest group of folks in the business. Impressive experience at every level. As Always, Tricia

Shari Sivak Facebook profile image

Shari Sivak

August 14, 2014 7:40 PM - Reviewing Decipher VoiceMail

Great software! Works easily when you backup your iphone to your computer! Had a PC crash and Decipher tech support (via emails) helped me find and reinstall old vm messages from my mom who recently passed away! THANK YOU DECIPHER team!

Nick Langley Facebook profile image

Nick Langley

August 13, 2014 3:03 AM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

Great Application - does what it says on the tin - and the support from Jay W was excellent; much better that some of the largest players!! Thanks a lot.

Linda Vroman-Parlove Facebook profile image

Linda Vroman-Parlove

August 12, 2014 8:16 PM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

The software is invaluable for keeping the memories that are sent via text message and the team is excellent with customer service. Thank you!

Edgar Stokka Facebook profile image

Edgar Stokka

August 12, 2014 1:37 AM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

I've used Decipher TextMessage for a while now, and it most definitely covers my requirements when it comes to backup. My experience with the Decipher team has been very positive, with quick customer service and generous offers. I highly recommend Decipher TextMessage!

Jessica Taylor Facebook profile image

Jessica Taylor

August 10, 2014 4:37 PM

This program is by far THE BEST!!!! And the support team exceptional!!!! I've recovered so many lost messages with this program! I love it I love it I LOVE IT!!!!

Rachel Lien Facebook profile image

Rachel Lien

August 10, 2014 1:09 PM - Reviewing Decipher VoiceMail

This program is the best!!!!!!! I don't know what I'd do without it. I am a really sentimental person and it means so much that I can keep my conversations in text messages, attachments, and voicemails. I have had my cell phone stolen from me before, but because I had Decipher Tools, i didn't lose the most important stuff to me. I highly recommend it for anyone. Its just fantastic!

Jennifer Craythorne Facebook profile image

Jennifer Craythorne

August 8, 2014 8:37 AM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

I love this app, so easy to use, and when I recently switched from an iPhone 4 to an iPhone 5C and couldn't get my old app to work, these guys were so quick and helpful with their responses. Couldn't believe it's a three man show! Highly recommend.

Convertible Chocolate Facebook profile image

Convertible Chocolate

August 6, 2014 11:39 AM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

A great way to back up important business communications that have transmitted via text.

Andrew Hutton Facebook profile image

Andrew Hutton

August 5, 2014 4:56 PM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

As text messages have become a mainstream form of communication in our business, keeping records of this form of communication has become necessary. Decipher TextMessage provides a great tool for this. I have experienced a couple of glitches I have received prompt and excellent support from Decipher who are very keen to see their users satisfied.

Bob C Means Facebook profile image

Bob C Means

August 2, 2014 2:55 PM - Reviewing Decipher VoiceMail

I love this software. I can save my voicemails as MP3s directly into Itunes and they are automatically labeled with the callers name, making them easy to find in the future. The support staff is great and responded and resolved all my issues within 24 hours! Thanks!

Cliona Murphy Facebook profile image

Cliona Murphy

July 30, 2014 1:05 PM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

This is a really great program! It's really user friendly and works a treat! The customer support is the best I've encountered in 15 years of computer use. Couldn't recommend the product or the guys behind it highly enough. :-)

Stephen Reed Facebook profile image

Stephen Reed

July 29, 2014 10:50 PM - Reviewing Decipher VoiceMail

I really like both Decipher TextMessage and Decipher Voicemail. I have been impressed by the software - which does exactly what I had hoped it would - and by the great customer service. I would, and do, recommend it.

Matt Gwynn Facebook profile image

Matt Gwynn

July 28, 2014 7:42 PM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

Great program! Easy to use!

Maria DeMarco Facebook profile image

Maria DeMarco

July 28, 2014 4:56 AM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

This program was easy to use, and did exactly what i needed it to do.. a life saver!

Rebecca Johnson Facebook profile image

Rebecca Johnson

July 24, 2014 7:56 PM

Wonderful product and excellent customer service! Thank you so much for your help with my issue. I really appreciate it! ♥

Todd Burrer Facebook profile image

Todd Burrer

July 24, 2014 11:48 AM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

Great program. Customer service is outstanding. Hope you continue to develop more apps!!

Patty Zasloff Facebook profile image

Patty Zasloff

July 22, 2014 7:27 AM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

WOW, OUTSTANDING CUSTOMER SERVICE AND OUTSTANDING PRODUCT!! Had a minor problem but Jay and staff were soooo patient with me even though I panicked and sent a few emails and Twitter posts! LOL!! YOU ALL ROCK - KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!! :D <3

Chad Hailey Facebook profile image

Chad Hailey

July 12, 2014 9:41 PM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

This software is very cool! Worth every penny! Really easy to install and does the job as described without a hiccup. Above the quality and functionality of the software is the incredible support from the company. I recently encountered a small problem and reached out to the company and within a few hours I received an e-mail and after a few exchanges my problem was resolved. The most impressive and courteous product support I have experienced in some time. You Guys Rock!

Kayleigh Berger Facebook profile image

Kayleigh Berger

July 12, 2014 9:30 AM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

The TextMessage product does exactly what it promises, and even more. I have no regrets about purchasing this, and it's helped me a lot over the past few months. The staff are very cooperative as well and extremely helpful!

Patricia Row Facebook profile image

Patricia Row

July 9, 2014 6:12 AM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

Worked like it was supposed to.

Angie Ferrante Facebook profile image

Angie Ferrante

July 4, 2014 2:02 PM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

Excellent product and prompt customer service. I highly recommend and thank you for your beautiful products !!!

Langel Daconte Facebook profile image

Langel Daconte

June 26, 2014 5:46 PM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

Not only does this software delivers exactly what it advertises but what Im most pleased and content about is the customer service provided by the staff that run this company. Effective, they expedite their requests and live up to their word. Thanks a million guys for the great service. HIGHLY RECOMEND THE SOFTWARE. WORKS MIRACLES!

Lindsay Oakes Facebook profile image

Lindsay Oakes

June 22, 2014 10:15 PM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

This is exactly the program I needed, I've been using it for years and I love how simple it is and how great the customer service is! Keep it up guys!

Leopoldo Cuisia Facebook profile image

Leopoldo Cuisia

June 22, 2014 12:16 AM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

Great tool for archiving iPhone text messages and it hasn't failed me yet. If you want a backup of the messages in Decipher Tools, you can print everything as a PDF file and keep it in your computer. Excellent customer service. The only thing it lacks is password control to keep prying eyes off your text messages. haha

Angie Underwood Facebook profile image

Angie Underwood

June 20, 2014 8:31 AM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

Excellent product, excellent customer service. I highly recommend!!!

Colin Robertson Facebook profile image

Colin Robertson

June 19, 2014 3:56 PM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

Super prompt customer assistance, 3 person team? They must be busy busy with the way things can inadvertently go 'sup for no apparent reason. 1st class Good Guys!

Alex Bueno Facebook profile image

Alex Bueno

May 14, 2014 7:34 PM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

Excellent and prompt customer service. Love when a program delivers

Matt Moseley Facebook profile image

Matt Moseley

May 9, 2014 10:40 AM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

I've used Decipher TextMessage for a couple of years, and it's a great tool. I've only needed Customer Service once, when my hard drive failed and I lost it; they responded fast and got me back up and running.

Michelle Ellis Facebook profile image

Michelle Ellis

May 6, 2014 2:24 AM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

This product is amazing--super user-friendly, Version 7 has a rad interface, obtains every single text you could want/need, and the customer service is top notch. Worth every penny!

Noah DellaPietro Facebook profile image

Noah DellaPietro

May 1, 2014 3:46 PM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

customer service is incredible, fast and every helpful. my decipher textmessage app wasn't working, so i emailed you guys and within an hour my problem was solved! incredible company and i am glad to be supporting you guys with your amazing product! DECIPHER ROCKS!

Rodrigo Hernandez Facebook profile image

Rodrigo Hernandez

March 27, 2014 1:58 PM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

This is an amazing software that is too easy to use! I love the way this helps me go back through my old messages and find important information I may have missed. Not to mention, the customer service is just WONDERFUL. They reply quickly and clearly, and are so very helpful!! Thanks so much for your great service.

Chris C. Khamnei Facebook profile image

Chris C. Khamnei

March 26, 2014 11:44 AM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

These are the types of businesses that we should be supporting and promoting!!! Thank you Jay...your help and generosity is appreciated.

Gary Adelkopf Facebook profile image

Gary Adelkopf

March 20, 2014 7:32 AM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

I had a question about using Decipher Tools software after my download. I used the available link to send an email with my query. I was answered with a quick solution much faster than I had anticipated! It is the people that make a company, product or service outstanding and this company clearly has some outstanding individuals behind the scenes. I have since recommended Decipher Tools to two other individuals that had a need for archiving text messages. They have thanked me profusely for finding such an outstanding product and solution and at an excellent value!

Jill Addy Wright Facebook profile image

Jill Addy Wright

March 19, 2014 2:12 PM - Reviewing Decipher VoiceMail

My dad recently passed away and I was looking for a way to save the 2 voicemail messages I had from him in a more stable way... and Decipher Tools helped make sure I will always have a way to hear my dad's voice. Nice personalized service and a good software. Would do business with them again anytime.

Mark Ellerby Facebook profile image

Mark Ellerby

March 10, 2014 2:01 AM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

Highly recommend. Great way of backing up important messages!

Layla Truax Facebook profile image

Layla Truax

March 9, 2014 9:10 PM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

Works GREAT!

Jules Mariani Facebook profile image

Jules Mariani

March 8, 2014 6:07 PM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

I cannot say enough positive things about this product and the staff. Today I was at Apple and told them about how AWESOME it is to be able to save my text messages and they are now going to recommend it to their customers. I got a pleasant surprise today when I plugged my freshly wiped iPhone into my Mac and my backed up text messages were put back on my cell! <3

Shaun Gary Facebook profile image

Shaun Gary

March 8, 2014 1:16 AM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

Decipher rocks! Computer crashed lost all record of software purchased. Emailed them and bam sent my license number and newest software upgrade free.

Ana Torres Facebook profile image

Ana Torres

February 21, 2014 10:09 AM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

Very helpful!!!

Alex Caba Facebook profile image

Alex Caba

January 25, 2014 3:43 AM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

I have one question before I purchase...... I was able to back up my iphone data onto my computer and then did a restore on my iphone but when I tried to use the backup iTunes told me it could not be completed because the backup was corrupt. My question is, Is there ANY way I can import all the text messages into my phone directly after setting up a new iphone ?

Phil Bonser Facebook profile image

Phil Bonser

January 22, 2014 3:32 PM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

I work in IT and see a lot of software, often poor, so it's refreshing to come across a product that does exactly what it advertises. Moreover it does it efficiently and makes it easy for the user. I was further impressed with the company's support when I had to reinstalled the software following a system crash. My licence key wouldn't work, so contacted support - within 5 minutes I had a reply with a replacement licence key free of charge. Excellent - wish there were more companies like this! Thank you

Rhonda Zapalac Vizza Facebook profile image

Rhonda Zapalac Vizza

January 21, 2014 12:46 PM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

This is a wonderful App. I'm not very Tech savvy but they have made it easy. Their customer service is awesome! Thanks guys for making my life easier and allowing me to save some of the more precious words through texting.

Tara Nicole Brown Facebook profile image

Tara Nicole Brown

January 19, 2014 5:48 PM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

This is a great tool, easy to use, and fairly priced. The company is small, and the customer service is impeccable. If you need to save iPhone data, this is your go to suite of products.

Ishtpreet Kaur Mangat Facebook profile image

Ishtpreet Kaur Mangat

January 13, 2014 1:07 PM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

Amazing product. The customer service is impeccable and the program is easy to use. Best software purchase made to date. Love it!

Joe Ferfecki Facebook profile image

Joe Ferfecki

January 11, 2014 1:46 PM - Reviewing Decipher TextMessage

Great tools! Helped me get tons of old data from a backup of my iPhone quickly and easily.

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